30 MAY 2013 by mxplx

 transcend sexual desire

It is a life-affirming and soul building accomplishment to overcome the pull of sex desire and transmute the saved energy into productive endeavors.
Folksonomies: sex
Folksonomies: sex

The one thing that keeps us from becoming something more than animals is our sexual desire, the mindless urge to procreate. That is our basest instinct.if you could liberate yourself from that, completely, I think you would be well on your way to becoming something greater. Sexual desire is so deeply ingrained into our every thought and action, woven into our very being in every way. Almost everything we do, some way or another (wanting a good job, buying a nice car, getting a hair cut, anything) can be tied into it. It's the motivating factor for almost everything. It would be nice to free ones self and instead of looking through the world through the sex-influenced prism, one could look at it true objectively